Friday, September 18, 2009

The Wisdom of the Moonstone

Wisdom of the Moonstone

The best way to find a moonstone
is not to look for one.

No one ever finds a moonstone;
it finds you.

A moonstone is never

found first on the beach.
Collect and examine others
to become worthy.

Only when mindful
of everything on the beach,
will a moonstone 

reveal itself to you.

Many footprints pass
a moonstone
Only true eyes
see its glow.

Digging for moonstones
is pointless
That which is rare and excellent
always rises to the surface.

A moonstone is never flawed
nor abnormal

but exactly  as  nature
intended  it  to  be.

The luck of the moonstone
lies not 

in finding one
but knowing what you've found.